[In the FELUFA project, funded by the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Energy of the State of Brandenburg and the European Social Fund ESF, the BBAA has examined the possibilities of establishing a new engineering course with a focus on low-emission aerospace technologies. All of the surveyed companies in the Brandenburg aviation network see the urgent need to conduct intensive research into these topics and to incorporate the findings into engineering education as early as possible. The need for appropriately trained engineers is already there, but cannot be met on the market. The BBAA is therefore proposing the establishment of a new dual engineering course in a corresponding combination of subjects with a cross-system perspective in connection with aviation technical vocational training. And the response is positive. Initiated by the FELUFA study, the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg (B-TU) is planning to set up a new international engineering course with a master's degree in English with a focus on new technologies. The Technical University of Wildau is examining the possibility of implementing a new course in this respect. Individual modules are to be tested in the fall semester at the TH Wildau or at the Wildau Institute of Technology (WIT). The BBAA will continue to support this process.