„Unser Verband fungiert als Bindeglied zwischen verschiedenen regionalen Firmen im Luftfahrtbereich, um den Austausch zu fördern. Durch die Vernetzung innerhalb des Verbandes können Unternehmen von den Erfahrungen und Know-how anderer Mitglieder profitieren, neue Geschäftspartner finden und gemeinsame Projekte umsetzen.“
Karsten Mühlenfeld, Vorstandsvorsitzender BBAA e.V.

BBAA: Strong Network. Strong Region.
The BBAA brings together aerospace companies in the capital region
The Berlin-Brandenburg Aerospace Allianz is the trade association for the aerospace industry in Germany’s capital region. With around 100 members, ranging from highly specialised small businesses to global enterprises, researching institutions and universities, the association represents the majority of the approximately 17,000 people working in the aerospace industry in Berlin and Brandenburg.
The eleven founding members, consisting of businesses and economic organisations from the region, created the BBAA in 1998 in order to strengthen the local aerospace industry. Since then, the aim and focus of the BBAA’s work has been to actively bring together important players from the fields of economics, science and politics and take action to support the further development of the aerospace industry in Berlin and Brandenburg. Key elements of this work are the development and maintenance of the links between regional players, promotion of the location as well as initiating and supporting strategic collaboration and innovation projects.
The BBAA uses its comprehensive network of contacts with businesses, scientific institutions as well as with national and international government ministers and authorities in order to raise awareness of key regional players beyond the boundaries of Berlin and Brandenburg and thus improve international competitiveness.
Alongside personal communication and our newsletter, our events provide an effective platform for dialogue between economics, science and politics. BBAA participates in trade fairs and industry trade shows such as the ILA, offering its members and partners the opportunity to present innovative developments, products and services. The initiation, support and implementation of strategic collaboration and innovation projects expands market opportunities and makes it easier for our member organisations to enter the market.